MSerodio - N4NO Tech

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Maria Serodio
Mrs Serodio is the Laboratory Consultant at Fuelsion Ltd. She was born, raised and educated in Portugal. In 1956-60, she concluded Chemistry degree at “Instituto Industrial de Lisboa”, in Portugal. In 1962-66, she worked at Laboratory of “Defesa Fitossanitaria dos Productos Armazenados”, in Portugal. In 1966-72, she worked at Laboratory of “Instituto de Investigação Agronômica de Angola. In 1972-77, she moved to United Kingdom and worked at Laboratory in National College of Agriculture Engineering. In 1978-79, she moved to Brazil and worked in Laboratory of “Química de Solos” at Centro Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira (CEPLAC). In 1979-83, she was the founder of an English school Pink and Blue. In 1983-93, she returned to CEPLAC as Chief of Laboratory “Química de Solos”. In 1993-95, she moved to Portugal as a teacher assistant of Laboratory practices at “University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro” (UTAD). In 1995-2010, she returned to CEPLAC as the Chief of Laboratory “Química de Solos” where she retired. In 2014, she supported Mr Serodio in his invention in the Laboratory. 2014-16, she was part-time employed in the Laboratory Assistant at a Research & Development company.
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